Frequently Asked Questions
Donation FAQ
- What is the difference between Movement Voter Project, PAC, and Fund?
- How much of my donation goes toward fees and overhead?
- Will I receive an acknowledgement or tax receipt?
- How do I change or cancel my recurring donation?
- Will my donor information stay private?
- Why doesn’t MVP accept checks under $1,000?
- Can U.S. residents with a green card donate?
- What are concrete examples of what a donation provides?
- Are there limits on how much I can give?
- Are donations close to Election Day still helpful? How quickly does MVP regrant to groups?
- Can I target my donation to a specific group, state, or area of focus?
General FAQ
- When and how did MVP begin?
- How does MVP choose and vet organizations?
- What is MVP’s grantmaking process?
- How does MVP ensure accountability for the groups we support?
- Does MVP fundraise for candidates?
- Can I volunteer with MVP or MVP partner organizations?
- Is MVP only focused on short-term electoral outcomes?
- Does MVP support third-party Presidential candidates?
- Does MVP take money from megadonors?
- How can I find local MVP partners near me?
- Does MVP coordinate with other electoral & advocacy groups?
- What does MVP fund in between elections?
2025 Strategy
- How do we win back the voters we lost? And the potential Dem voters who stayed home?
- Will there even be elections now that Trump is in power?
- What do we do about the media, disinformation, etc?
- What is MVP doing about the Democratic Party?
- How stable is MVP organizationally going into this time ahead?
- How do we weigh short-term electoral wins vs. long-term power building?
- How will MVP’s core strategy change vs. stay the same?
- Is America just a lost cause? (Should I move to Canada?)
- What can MVP donors do now besides donating?
We want to give donors the utmost confidence in our work and the work of our local partners. Not finding what you’re looking for? Submit a question or contact us.