Is MVP only focused on short-term electoral outcomes?

No. Elections are inflection points in our work, not the endpoint.

Our “North Star” is the vision of a nation where everyone can thrive. Elections are just one means to that end. They set the conditions under which we can make progress.

In the long run, our success looks like:

  1. Durable governing majorities at every level of government.

  2. Significant culture shifts fueled by locally-rooted, broad-based social movements.

  3. Relentless public pressure for progressive policies, sustained by grassroots groups.

  4. Transformative policy change by elected officials working in close “co-governance” with robust, year-round local organizations.

How do we achieve this? Sustained investment in year-round local organizing, year after year, election cycle after election cycle.

Learn more in our Guide to Strategic Political Giving.

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