Spread the Word about MVP

Jump below for:

  1. Sample messages to adapt and share.
  2. MVP updates to read + pass on.
  3. Collateral to help make the case for MVP.


Sample Messages

TIP: For social media, add a personal photo to boost your post’s visibility.

Sample Email or Long Post

Friends: The 2024 elections are here and it’s time for us to take action.

I’m channeling all my political giving through Movement Voter PAC, which funds local organizing in swing states and districts. (Learn more: https://movement.vote)

I’m motivated by two things. One: I don’t want us to have to endure another four-year MAGA nightmare. And two: If Democrats win the Presidency and Congress, we’ll be able to pass the most progressive legislation in decades.

I’ve come to realize our most effective action is not to throw money at candidates who focus largely on TV ads, but to fund  local groups organizing year-round.

These groups are rooted in their communities. They are the trusted messengers who can turn out youth and voters of color — the two most crucial voting groups this year. And they are building power and pushing for policy change year after year, rather than packing up their boxes after Election Day.

Many of us scramble to donate right before the election. The truth is, early money generates far more votes. 

Local organizations need time to scale up, staff up, and level up their operations — and that needs to happen now, not months from now.

If we want to wake up the morning after the 2024 elections with no regrets, one of the best things we can do is give these groups the funding they need.

For the sake of our freedoms, our climate, and all the people, communities, and causes we love: Let’s each give what we can, as soon as we can.

Sample Short Post

The 2024 elections are here and it’s time for us to take action. One of the best things we can all do is send money to local organizing in swing states. I’m channeling all my political giving through Movement Voter PAC – check them out: https://movement.vote


MVP Updates

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Want to dial up the hope and turn down the doom in your newsfeeds?



Here is a one-stop shop for collateral you can share. Jump to each section below:

  1. Share These First
  2. MVP Updates
  3. Core Collateral (Print + Digital)
  4. Creative Assets (Logos + Photos + Videos)
  5. Articles
  6. Talking Points
  7. Free “Swag”


Share These First

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  1. 2024 Campaign: This page includes our 2024 goals, strategy, and targeting.
  2. Guide to Strategic Political Giving: This piece is our most complete summation of the MVP model, and why we believe sustained investment in local organizing is the most effective way to win elections, transform policy, and build political power that grows each year.
  3. Investing Small to Win Big: Evidence of Electoral Impact by Local Voter Engagement Groups: This piece presents a compelling, data-driven case for the effectiveness of MVP partners’ person-to-person voter engagement tactics in driving voter persuasion and turnout.


Core Content

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Print Collateral

  • Movement Voter PAC Overview – PDF
    Add your own Q&R code: Open Google Slides file » Go to File » Make a Copy
  • Overview Postcard – PDF + instructions to customize QR code 
  • Donor’s Guide to Strategic Political Giving – PDF
  • 2024 Collateral
    • 2024 State Plan PDFs – View here
    • Reproductive Justice Strategy – PDF
  • The Importance of Early Investment – PDF
  • Capacity Building Program Overview – PDF
Press Clips

Digital Collateral

Slide Decks
Key Webpages


Creative Assets

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Articles validating MVP’s Theory of Change


Talking points

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What a donation provides

As you think about your donation, consider the impact of each dollar (for illustration purposes):

  • $90,000: A grassroots organizer’s typical 12-month salary, benefits, and taxes.
    (This generic figure factors in a $70K base salary + 28% for benefits and taxes)
  • $15,000: A 3-part training series MVP offers freely to each partner group.
  • $7,500: A grassroots organizer’s typical 1-month salary, benefits, and taxes.
  • $2,500: Two laptops, helping organizers increase capacity and train others.
  • $1,000: 20,000 texts reminding voters where to vote and what to bring.
  • $500: An organizer’s skill development training + follow-up coaching session.
  • $250: 6,000 reminder calls to folks who’ve volunteered to get out the vote.


Free MVP “Swag”

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