June 28, 2024

The 3 things we need to do post-debate

As the dust starts to settle on last night's debate, the assignment for all of us is more clear and urgent than ever. In summary: We need to fund the biggest ground game in history to beat the worst President in history by electing whichever Democrat is on the ticket.
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MVP friends-

Since last night’s debate, the MVP team has been deep in conversation with movement leaders, political strategists, and Democratic operatives.

Here’s a follow-up on our hot-take from last night.

Post-Debate Reactions

Among Democrats and progressives, we’ve noticed three categories of reactions:

  1. The “Please Joe Go” camp: Nate SilverThomas Friedman, and others including unnamed donors, lawmakers, and campaign operatives saying, “Save your legacy, be a hero, step aside.”
  2. The “Chill Out and Buck Up” camp: Heather Cox RichardsonRobert Hubbell, and others saying “Calm down. The debate was a sham. Trump is the worst President in history. Biden is a good president and can absolutely still win.”
  3. The “We Need to Talk” camp: Pundits at Pod Save America and elsewhere saying, “Look, we at least need to have a serious conversation about our options, before it’s too late.”

We recognize the validity of each perspective. Only Joe Biden can decide. So where does that leave the rest of us? 

Here’s the plan:

  1. We have to go all-out to support the Democratic nominee – even if it’s a ham sandwich. And Biden is better than a ham sandwich. He has had the best domestic record since FDR. This election is bigger than Biden. Trump is an existential threat. No one is coming to save us. We’re going to have to save ourselves. As our movement partners say: We Choose Us.
  2. We need to support Kamala too – and have a back-up plan. At the very least we need to do two additional big things: Support Kamala Harris who will be under intense racist and sexist attacks as VP. And if for any reason there is a brokered convention we need to be ready to support whoever the delegates choose. MVP is in conversation with allies about these scenarios.
  3. We need to fund the biggest ground game in history. Regardless of the candidate or scenario, we have to assume the math will be the same: We need to win the top swing states by 10,000 votes instead of losing by 10,000 votes. The best messengers are local organizers.

In summary: We need to fund the biggest ground game in history to beat the worst President in history by electing whichever Democrat is on the ticket.

How much will it cost? However much money we thought we needed yesterday, we now need twice as much. 

So grateful to be in community with you – and for all you do. We need each other now more than ever!

What can you do? 

  1. Fund local organizing like our life depends on it, 
  2. Rally your networks to do the same, and
  3. Get out the vote in swing states.

Are you in?

Let’s do this!

Billy Wimsatt, MVP Executive Director
(On behalf of the MVP team)

ps. If you haven’t already, please read Bat Signal 3, our long-form strategy memo, which applies now more than ever!

pps. This is a very small thing, but if you are looking for a way to increase progressive political visibility in your area regardless of the candidate, you can get an MVP lawn sign or bumper sticker – at our new MVP merch shop. It’s an easy and meaningful way to spread the word!


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