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July 23, 2024
“Can’t even describe the vibe right now”
Over the past two days, the momentum has moved decisively in our favor. Now we have to make sure that energy translates into dollars, organizers, voters, and victory....
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July 17, 2024
Updates from the States: Doubling Down in the Battlegrounds
People always ask us: What are the groups on the ground who can win this election actually doing? For us, there is no greater source of grounded hope than this. Here are updates from the battlegrounds...
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June 28, 2024
The 3 things we need to do post-debate
As the dust starts to settle on last night's debate, the assignment for all of us is more clear and urgent than ever. In summary: We need to fund the biggest ground game in history to beat the worst P...
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February 28, 2024
Michigan, the “Uncommitted” movement for ceasefire, and what we do about Israel/Gaza
Over 100,000 Michiganders vote “uncommitted” (instead of Joe Biden) in the Democratic primary. Here’s MVP’s strategic analysis of how this grassroots effort can (counter-intuitively) help Biden and De...
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February 28, 2024
Wisconsin: R.I.P. Gerrymandering, Hello Fair Maps!
In Wisconsin, our grassroots partners are celebrating fair maps signed into law this month by Democratic Governor Tony Evers, which will finally represent the people’s votes in the state legislature....
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December 21, 2023
Bat Signal 2: The Biggest Investment Ever
A non-depressing take on the 2024 elections!

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