Does MVP fundraise for candidates?

No, MVP does not fundraise for candidates.

We invest in year-round local organizing groups, because:

  1. They are best positioned to turn out unlikely voters in their communities.
  2. They organize year-round for policy change vs. closing shop on election night.
  3. They build political power that grows year after year, cycle after cycle.

Learn more about the MVP model in our Guide to Strategic Political Giving.

Not only do we not fundraise for politicians — our model is so effective that politicians often fundraise for us.

The MVP model of effecting change by funding local organizing is so strategic that local, state, and federal officials have often chosen to speak at our fundraising events.

This list includes Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein (D).


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