Stories from the states: Victories and momentum in WI, NY, PA, AZ, NC, and NH

MVP partners flanking Wisconsin Gov. Evers (D) as he signs fair maps into law, ending 13 years of extreme GOP gerrymandering
Wisconsin: R.I.P. Gerrymandering, Hello Fair Maps!
In Wisconsin, we are celebrating the long-awaited end to extreme partisan gerrymandering!
Though not perfect, the legislative maps newly signed into law significantly level the playing field, lead to fairer representation, and create an opening for Democrats to win the state assembly in November and the state senate in 2026.
For years, groups like the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign have been educating voters, spurring civic participation, and building grassroots power around fair maps. This work, along with the efforts of MVP partners to flip the State Supreme Court to a 4-3 liberal majority in April 2023, set the stage for this victory.

Make the Road New York, getting out the vote in the NY-03 special election
New York: We Won Back Santos’ House Seat!
In New York, the Working Families Party, Battleground NY, and Make the Road New York collectively knocked on over 110,000 doors and helped Democrats flip the red-trending U.S. House seat of expelled GOP Rep. George Santos.
“This was only made possible through the support of generous donors such as MVP who understand how critical it is to move money early in the year.”
— Luke Hayes, Organizing Director of the New York Working Families Party

New Pennsylvania Project digital voter outreach for the state House District 140 special election
Pennsylvania: State House Win, Momentum for November
In Pennsylvania, Democrats won a special election in the 140th state House District, preserving a slim 102-100 majority.
Many thanks to New Pennsylvania Project Education Fund for registering, calling, and canvassing voters in this under-the-radar election!
As a reminder that victory comes from sustaining this work for the long haul: It was only in 2022, after years of organizing, that MVP partners helped flip the PA State House for the first time since 2010 — by just 63 votes in a single seat.
Now, if Democrats can keep the state House in November, reclaim the state Senate, and defend the Governorship in 2026, they will gain a state trifecta for the first time since 1993. With Democratic governance, Pennsylvania could see a new era of progressive legislation like increasing the minimum wage, expanding voting access, strengthening gun safety, advancing equity in school funding, and more.

Arizona for Abortion Access, a ballot campaign to enshrine abortion rights in the AZ constitution
Arizona: 250,000 Signatures for Abortion Access
In Arizona, MVP partner Arizona for Abortion Access (AAA) has surpassed 250,000 signatures to put an amendment on the ballot this November to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.
If they collect 383,923 signatures by July 3, they will qualify for the November ballot. MVP’s Arizona partners are eager to campaign on abortion rights this fall and to use this ballot measure to galvanize Democratic voters to tip the state’s Presidential, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and down-ballot races.

Workers Vote canvassing in North Carolina for pro-labor Democrat Rodney Pierce
North Carolina: Knocking Doors for a Pro-Labor Champion
In North Carolina, MVP partner Workers Vote is knocking on 17,000 doors in State House District 27 to replace a conservative Democrat with a champion of abortion rights and workers’ rights.
Michael Wray, the conservative Democrat representing District 27, voted with Republicans 84% of the time in 2023, including for bills to fund anti-abortion groups and enact damaging tax cuts. Workers Vote is mobilizing voters in support of his opponent, Rodney Pierce, a champion of workers’ rights and abortion rights.
Electing Pierce in this majority African-American district will bring us closer to stopping harmful GOP bills at the state level — while building momentum to win the state’s sixteen Electoral College votes and Governor’s race in November.
For more on MVP’s North Carolina 2024 strategy, watch our October briefing »

603 Forward, an MVP partner building the next generation of progressive political leadership in NH
New Hampshire: Building the Bench from the Bottom Up
In New Hampshire, 603 Forward and Granite State Organizing Project (GSOP) are organizing around “Town Meeting Day” on March 12, where voters cast ballots for town resolutions, school boards, election administrators, and other local offices.
The youth-driven 603 Forward has been recruiting local candidates for two months and is now deploying their get-out-the-vote (GOTV) program with MVP funding. This work is critical for advancing progressive policies locally, stopping conservative policies (especially on school boards), and ensuring election integrity in November.
While New Hampshire has swung blue in recent federal elections, it is still a purple state we cannot take for granted (or, should we say, for granite?). Besides securing the state’s Electoral College votes this November, our partners need early investment to help Democrats flip the Governorship and the state House — and gear up to defend U.S. Senator Shaheen’s vulnerable and crucial seat in 2026.
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