May 10, 2024

Last call for early giving: Find your “No-Regrets Number”

For those who’ve been procrastinating: If you or anyone you know hasn't yet sat down to figure out how much you plan to donate in this election year (and when), here are two tips.
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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is today.” 

– Chinese proverb 

For those who’ve been procrastinating: If you or anyone you know hasn’t yet sat down to figure out how much you plan to donate in this election year (and when), here are two tips:

1) When to give? Now. 

Consider this loose baseball analogy: Waiting to donate until right before Election Day is like expecting your team to come out and win the World Series when they haven’t had a chance to practice all season.

Candidly, the time for truly “early giving” has passed – but now is still officially the second-best time to make your 2024 political giving budget and donate it.

2) How much to give? Find your “No-Regrets Number”.

  1. Ask: How much can I give so that I’ll know I’ve done all I could this election? 
  2. Now ask: If Trump won by a few votes in a few states, would I regret not giving more?
  3. If yes, raise the number until you know you will have done all you can. This is your No-Regrets Number.

Now through Election Day, the MVP team will be closely monitoring aggregated polling, expert analysis, and insights on the ground, constantly recalibrating our investment strategy to maximize our impact on Presidential, Senate, House, and other key battlegrounds. 

You can contribute through MVP and use us as your one-stop “mutual fund” for political giving this year — and/or, give to our many excellent allies and partners in the field. We are all on one big team working together and we take seriously our role as honest brokers for the field as a whole.

Need help? Get in touch and we’ll gladly support you to make the giving plan that’s right for you.

Let’s do this!


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