September 19, 2023

An Urgent Message for Progressive and Democratic Donors

Blue Tent, the trusted website for progressive donor recommendations, just published "The Bat Signal memo," MVP's urgent call to action to invest in 2023 to win big in 2024.
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Blue Tent, the trusted website for progressive donor recommendations, just published “The Bat Signal memo,” MVP’s urgent call to action to invest in 2023 to win big in 2024.


Key Points

🚨 Progressive giving has plummeted and we risk a MAGA takeover in 2024.

🤩 We’ve won so much since 2020. We can’t give up now.

⏰ 2024 will be razor-close, and pivotal for everyone alive and future generations.

🤯 Local voter organizing is key, because elections are won by who votes vs. who runs.

💸 What do we do? Give big and give early to grassroots voter organizing.



Dear Colleagues in Progressive Philanthropy,

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Here are the Full MemoExecutive Summary for download.

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Shareable Blurb

The Bat Signal Memo is an urgent call to action from Movement Voter PAC to progressive donors, to stop Trump and cause a massive “Blue Wave” in 2024 — by giving big and early to the grassroots organizing groups that can swing the most crucial races.

The 2024 elections will come down to a few votes in a few states, and the Bat Signal spells out why we need to take action now — not a year from now — to prevent the worst case scenario (a Trump / MAGA takeover of all three branches of government) and ensure the best scenario (a progressive landslide).

Here’s the memo:

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