Will my donor information stay private?
Your information is private to the full extent of the law.
Movement Voter Project (501(c)4) and Movement Voter Fund at Tides Foundation (501(c)3) donors are not publicly viewable anywhere.
Movement Voter PAC donors are disclosed on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website by name, state, employer, donation amount, and receipt date. Note: Donors face this same requirement when giving to House, Senate, or Presidential candidates.
Learn more about the three legally distinct organizations above.
MVP will never sell, rent, or lease your information.
The use of donor information is limited to the internal purposes of Movement Voter Project and only to further the activities and purposes of MVP.
View the MVP Donor Privacy Policy.
“But if I donate online, will I get on spam lists?”
No. This happens, sadly, because so many political candidates buy and sell donor lists. If you’ve ever given to a candidate and now get random political spam, this is likely why.
MVP believes these practices violate basic ethics, erode donor trust, and weaken the progressive movement. For these reasons, we are proud practitioners of Ethical Email.
Learn more about Ethical Email and take action to end unethical email practices.
View the privacy policy for ActBlue, MVP’s online payment processor.
Other Donation FAQ
- What is the difference between Movement Voter Project, PAC, and Fund?
- How much of my donation goes toward fees and overhead?
- Will I receive an acknowledgement or tax receipt?
- How do I change or cancel my recurring donation?
- Why doesn’t MVP accept checks under $1,000?
- Can U.S. residents with a green card donate?
- What are concrete examples of what a donation provides?
- Are there limits on how much I can give?
- Are donations close to Election Day still helpful? How quickly does MVP regrant to groups?
- Can I target my donation to a specific group, state, or area of focus?