What are concrete examples of what a donation provides?

Here are tangible ways your donation will immediately help local organizing groups register, engage, persuade, and mobilize the exact voters who can tip elections.

Please note: The following composite estimates are for illustration purposes. Exact figures vary by geography, organization, and other factors.

  • $100,000: Two on-the-ground canvassers for an entire year
  • $50,000: Over 5,500 paid door knocks by short-term canvassers
  • $10,000: One Early Vote event to mobilize voters to cast their ballot before Election Day
  • $5,000: Over 83,000 phone dials
  • $2,500: Over 41,000 text messages
  • $500: Over 4,100 pieces of door literature that are culturally competent, multilingual, and micro-targeted in framing and messaging

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