Georgia: How We Win

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2024 Electoral Goals

  • Presidency: Win Georgia’s 16 electoral votes.
  • U.S. Senate: Not up for election. 
  • U.S. House: No competitive seats after new maps were adopted in 2023. 
  • Governorship: Not up for election until 2026. 
  • State House: Flip seven State House seats (districts 48, 53, 99, 117, 147, 151, and 154), along the way to gaining thirteen seats to flip the chamber by 2030. 
  • State Senate: Hold SD-02 and SD-07 and flip SD-37 and SD-48, along the way to gaining five seats to flip the chamber by 2030. 


Political Landscape

Presidential Vote Margins

U.S. Senate Vote Margins

























Balance of Power

  • U.S. Senate: 2 Democrats
  • U.S. House: 9 Republicans, 5 Democrats
  • Governorship: Republican
  • State Senate: Republican majority (32 – 23)
  • State House: Republican majority (102 – 78)


2024 Strategy

1) Drive up BIPOC & youth turnout. 

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and youth voter turnout are at risk — and we need them to carry the state. In 2020, Biden won Georgia by just 0.2% (11,779 votes) with the help of Black youth voters. In 2024, young Georgia voters are fairly split between Trump and Biden, and Black voters’ support for Biden has dropped from 2020.
  • To win 2024, we must invest in local voter organizing at historic levels, across the state and especially in South Georgia, where Black youth voters were most undermobilized in 2020 and where Latines and Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) each turned out at around 43%. 
  • For BIPOC and youth voters, 2024 is about issues over candidates. Our partners like Black Male Initiative Fund and and Georgia Youth Justice Coalition have the year-round relationships needed to discuss issues like housing, jobs, healthcare, voting rights, environmental justice, and more — and connect the dots between these issues and the importance of winning the November elections. Black Male Initiative Fund, for example, plans to knock on 1,000,000 doors, targeting a universe of 507,831 Black men, women, and, young people in the metro areas as well as the Black Belt along Georgia’s southern border.
  • Latines are the third-largest racial or ethnic group in Georgia and comprise 5% of the electorate. In 2020, Latine voters chose Biden 62% to 37% and chose Rev. Warnock (D) in the 2022 Senate race 58% to 39%. Roughly 400,000 Latines are now registered to vote, 23% of whom will be voting in their first presidential election this year.

    MVP partners like Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) are engaging Latine Democratic voters via canvassing, mutual aid, and tabling at grocery stores and churches.

  • Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) are Georgia’s fastest-growing voting bloc, increasing 52% from 2010 to 2022. Georgia AAPI voters voted for Democrats at 57.9% in 2020 and 59% in 2022, and saw the largest turnout increase of any ethnic group from 2018 to 2022.

    Now, our partner Asian American Advocacy Fund (AAAF) is seeking to increase AAPI vote share from 3% in 2022 to 4% in 2024 by targeting the North Atlanta suburbs and other key areas with layered electoral opportunities, engaging voters in person around local races and state house seats up to House, Senate, and President. AAAF will knock on 100,000 doors and make a total of 1,000,000 phone calls through their direct voter contact program, in addition to voter education, relational organizing, and events.

2) Strengthen BIPOC organizing capacity statewide.

  • Long-term power requires long-term infrastructure. All those young voters and voters of color who swung 202020212022, and 2023? They required a decade’s worth of work. Georgia is increasingly populous and racially diverse, but to seize the opportunity of these trends, we must invest in organizers, data and research, and other lasting infrastructure.
  • In-language engagement for limited English proficient (LEP) voters: Our partner GLAHR provides in-language voter engagement to Latine voters, while Asian American Advocacy Fund creates robust multilingual materials that they share with aligned organizations and recruits canvassers who represent 5+ languages other than English. This work sets the stage for culturally competent voter engagement in future cycles.
  • Capacity building, training, and staffing: MVP is working to strengthen the progressive movement in Georgia for years to come by helping our partners get the support they need to do their best work. For example, we are supporting Black Male Initiative Fund to hire the staff they need to take their social media and communications to the next level.

3) Communicate winning narratives for 2024 and beyond.

  • In a low-enthusiasm election, the message matters more than ever. Our Georgia partners are engaging voters with micro-targeted outreach, highly tailored messaging, and culturally relevant narratives that are a far cry from candidate-centric talking points.
  • Issues and results matter most. Black voters have said unambiguously that what they want most are results on issues they care about. Their top issues? Cost of living and jobs/wages.
  • Micro-targeted messaging for Equality Voters: Eligible LGBTQ voters lean Democratic, represented 12% of the Georgia electorate in 2022, and will grow to 19% by 2040. In 2024, our partner Georgia Equality plans to persuade and mobilize up to 1.2 million likely pro-LGBTQ voters — with an emphasis on young, BIPOC, and women voters — using mail, phone, text, and digital outreach that follows messaging guidance from Movement Advancement Project.
  • Communications technical support: MVP is supporting Progress Georgia in providing communications consulting, media placement, and ad purchases for issue-based campaigns, to monitor and combat disinformation and provide rapid response, talking points, research, message polling, and content generation.


Partner Snapshots

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Asian American Advocacy Fund (AAAF) is a grassroots organization dedicated to building a politically conscious, engaged, and progressive Asian American base in Georgia. In 2024, AAAF plans to knock 100,000 doors and make 1,000,000 phone calls, in addition to direct mail, ethnic media, digital outreach, voter education, relational organizing, and events. Their year-long program includes deep canvassing; candidate ID to build name recognition and support for endorsed candidates; and GOTV from early vote through Election Day.

Black Male Initiative Fund

Black Male Initiative Fund (BMI Fund) empowers Black men through the use of direct action, advocacy, and grassroots organizing. In 2020 and 2022, BMI Fund held one-third of Georgia’s independent grassroots field operations. In 2024, they will target 507,831 Black men, women, and young people, making 100,000 phone calls and one million door knocks on 500,000 doors.

Georgia Working Families Party

Georgia Working Families Party (WFP) is a grassroots independent political organization that organizes year-round and works to elect candidates committed to economic, racial, social, gender, and environmental justice. Over the past five years, WFP has established core progressive infrastructure, invested in candidates and organizers, and run voter contact programs that helped elect new, diverse leaders, supporting candidates at every level of the ballot.


2024 State Budget (Partisan)

  • Total Estimated Need: $80 million (all local voter organizing)
  • MVP Baseline and Stretch Goals: $10-$20 million

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