LGBTQ+ Voter Fund

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LGBTQ+ Voter FundDonate now
The problem: Anti-LGBTQ+ forces are gaining ground, and LGBTQ+ funding is down.

After marriage equality passed in 2015, LGBTQ+ funding began to dry up.

Post-equality, anti-LGBTQ+ opposition forces have successfully divided a “Big Tent” of movements by driving a wedge between LGBTQ+ and communities of color, blaming the latter for a decades-long string of constitutional amendment ballot losses.

In 2023 alone, state legislatures have introduced a staggering 735+ anti-LGBTQ bills so far, taking a heartbreaking toll on the mental health of queer youth.

LGBTQ+ focused organizations are fighting back in key states every day of every year, yet rarely get the resources they deserve. From 2015-2019, LGBTQ+ groups received only 0.13% of overall philanthropic giving.

The solution: Supercharge the groups who are building LGBTQ+ voter power.

We do the research so you don’t have to, funding a mix of over 35 established and emerging organizations best-positioned to engage and empower LGBTQ+ voters, stop harmful anti-LBGTQ+ bills, and pass laws that improve everyone’s lives.

Our objective is to build the LGBTQ+ movement back up to the scale and power of the marriage equality years, while incorporating them into multi-issue, long-term “state ecosystems” that increase cross-movement solidarity and boost shared infrastructure.

Over 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ adults (who comprise roughly 10% of the voting-eligible population) are not registered to vote — 21%, compared to 17% of non-LGBTQ+ adults. By funding the groups who can activate these voters, we can build transformative political power.

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All contributions are re-granted to groups. The size and frequency of grants for each group are regularly assessed by MVP’s grant-making team and state advisors based on where additional funding is most needed. For more information or to discuss a customized giving plan, please email

This fund is administered by Movement Voter Project, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. Donations are not tax-deductible.

This fund supports groups like these:
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Montana Human Rights Network

A grassroots organization with over 1400 members working to fight for human dignity and push back on bigotry and intolerance across the state. They engage in research, advocacy and organizing to advance human rights for historically oppressed communities and have worked to engage those same communities in the civic process.

Issue Areas: Economic Justice, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Religious Freedom
Constituencies: Arab / Middle Eastern, Asian American / Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, Latinx, Muslim, Native American / Indigenous, Puerto Rican, White Working Class, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
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Equality Arizona

Equality Arizona works to build the political power of LGBTQ+ people in Arizona. They connect LGBTQ+ Arizonans with the civic process at every level of government to work with elected leaders for a future that is fully inclusive of LGBTQ+ Arizonans

Issue Areas: Economic Justice, Healthcare, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights
Constituencies: Black, Faith-Based, Latinx, Native American / Indigenous, White Working Class, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
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Equality Maine (EQME)

EqualityMaine is the oldest and largest statewide organization dedicated to creating a fair and just society for LGBTQ+ Mainers. Their mission is to secure full equality through political action, community organizing, education, and collaboration. The organization envisions the day when LGBTQ+ persons and their families have full equality in the hearts and minds of Maine people and in all areas of the law.

Issue Areas: Education, End Mass Criminalization, Healthcare, LGBTQ+
Constituencies: LGBTQ+, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
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PROMO envisions a Missouri where everyone has full equality in the hearts and minds of all people, in all areas of the law, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. PROMO advocates for LGBTQ equality through legislative action, electoral politics, grassroots organizing, and community education.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Constituencies: LGBTQ+
Group Type: 501c4, 501c3
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Out Nebraska

OutNebraska empowers community building through culture, relieving the stress that comes from living in the margins. They provide the space to relax, laugh, enjoy each other and live one's best life. They believe in pride of identity and welcome every new member with open arms.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Constituencies: LGBTQ+, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
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Outfront Minnesota

Working with constituents, public institutions, and elected officials - including members of Minnesota’s Legislature - Outfront Minnesota promotes human rights of LGBTQ Minnesotans. They work to shape public policy and elect officials who share their values of equity and belief in the the need for LGBTQ people and allies to vote.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Constituencies: Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
West Virginia
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Fairness West Virginia

Fairness West Virginia is the statewide civil rights advocacy organization dedicated to fair treatment and civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender West Virginians. Their mission is to ensure LGBTQ+ people can be open, honest and safe at home, at work, and in the community. They represent the diversity of Appalachia with an open membership to everyone who believes in fundamental fairness. 

Issue Areas: Education, Healthcare, Housing, LGBTQ+, Voting Rights
Constituencies: BIPOC (Black / Indigenous / People of Color), Faith-Based, LGBTQ+, Rural, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c4, 501c3
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Texas Freedom Network: Texas Rising

Texas Freedom Network runs a major statewide campus vote, advocacy programs as part of an issue strategy around reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, freedom and sex education. Texas Rising Action is an innovative youth-led project of the Texas Freedom Network. Texas Rising organizes young people under 30 across 25 campuses focused on voter engagement, leadership development, and issue advocacy. In 2020, Texas Rising Action endorsed the largest and most diverse slate of candidates every for the organization, from County Commissioner and Texas House to Texas Railroad Commission, a statewide race that impacts the direction of climate justice action for the state.

Issue Areas: End Mass Criminalization, Healthcare, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights
Constituencies: Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, PAC, 501c4
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Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT)

TENT is an organization dedicated to furthering gender diverse equality in Texas. They do year-round voter engagement work educating and mobilizing on local and federal bills and social justice issues mainly led by member volunteers.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Constituencies: Asian American / Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, Latinx
Group Type: 501c3
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Equality Federation

Equality Federation is the movement builder and strategic partner to state-based organizations advocating for LGBTQ people. From Equality Florida to Freedom Oklahoma to Basic Rights Oregon, we amplify the power of the state-based LGBTQ movement. Equality Federation is an advocacy accelerator rooted in social justice, building power in their network of state-based lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) advocacy organizations.

Issue Areas: Economic Justice, Education, Healthcare, Housing, LGBTQ+, Reproductive Justice
Constituencies: BIPOC (Black / Indigenous / People of Color), LGBTQ+, White Working Class
Group Type: 501c4, 501c3
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Equality Michigan

Established in 1991 as the Triangle Foundation, Equality Michigan (EQMI) has been working for nearly 30 years to achieve full equality and respect for all Michigan residents regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Michigan’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people are working to achieve basic fairness and equality in our state. We want to live in safe communities, take care of our families, and contribute to our social, cultural, political, and economic lives and wellbeing. EQMI serves as Michigan’s premiere statewide advocacy organization working toward the achievement of these goals.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Constituencies: Black, Latinx, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
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LGBT Detroit

LGBT Detroit has served the African American LGBT population of Detroit and nearby communities for 25 years. With local, regional, statewide, national partnerships and affiliations LGBT Detroit continues to work towards making Detroit a safer place for all to work, play and live, without fear and malice. They have expanded to offering 15 programs, serving approximately 800 community members annually. They have done voter registration and voter education forums. They have also collaborated with other organizations to pass local non-discrimination ordinances. Additionally, they host “Hotter Than July” or black gay pride, a gathering of nearly 20,000 people in Detroit each summer, and attendees are from all over the world.

Issue Areas: Education, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice
Constituencies: Black
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
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Trans United Fund

Trans United is a nonprofit that partners with visionary transgender leaders and organizations to build capacity and improve the lives of transgender people, our families, and our allies.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4, PAC
National, Georgia
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Southerners on New Ground (SONG)

SONG is a regional organizing hub for southern LGBTQ people led by people of color. With an appreciation for how racism, homophobia, transphobia, and geography are interrelated, they have been a driving force in building an organization, community, and world that bends towards full liberation. They created the first southern, LGBTQ-led, traveling Organizing School for small towns and rural places in the south and likewise have organized and lobbied for progressive legislation.

Issue Areas: End Mass Criminalization, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Reproductive Justice
Constituencies: Arab / Middle Eastern, Asian American / Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, Latinx, Native American / Indigenous
Group Type: 501c3
North Carolina
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Equality North Carolina

Equality NC is the oldest statewide organization in the country dedicated to securing rights and protections for the LGBTQ community. Equality NC is invested in ensuring that every North Carolinian can see themselves in this movement and are committed to creating a safer and more equitable world for all marginalized communities.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4, PAC
North Carolina
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Southern Vision Alliance / Ignite NC

Ignite NC Action Fund supports youth-centered, inter-generational shared leadership models and candidates for local office who are committed to building people power and working for racial and social justice.

Issue Areas: Climate / Environment, Economic Justice, End Mass Criminalization, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights
Constituencies: Arab / Middle Eastern, Asian American / Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, Latinx, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
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One Colorado

One Colorado is the state’s leading advocacy organization dedicated to advancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Coloradans and their families. They effectively advocate for LGBTQ Coloradans and their families by lobbying the General Assembly, the executive branch, and local governments on issues like safe schools, transgender equality, relationship recognition, and LGBTQ health and human services.

Issue Areas: Economic Justice, Healthcare, LGBTQ+
Constituencies: Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4
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Georgia Equality/Equality Foundation of Georgia

Georgia Equality’s mission is to advance fairness, safety and opportunity for LGBTQ+ communities throughout the state. They work year-round to pass pro-equality legislation and elect fair-minded elected officials. Equality Foundation of Georgia conducts voter registration and educational activities, provides information to decision makers, and organizes and mobilizes LGBTQ communities to advance equality across the state.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+, Voting Rights
Group Type: 501c4, PAC
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Women Engaged

WOMEN ENGAGED is a social justice nonprofit that takes an innovative, hands-on learning approach to advancing women’s human rights, youth empowerment and civic engagement efforts in Georgia. Using a human rights framework, Women Engaged develops policy recommendations, conducts research and organizing initiatives paired with, leadership development, savvy communications outreach strategies and civic engagement opportunities for women and youth of color.

Issue Areas: Healthcare, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Religious Freedom, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights
Constituencies: Black, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
Georgia, South Carolina
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SONG Power

SONG Power equips justice-loving Southerners with another toolbox to bring about liberation in our lifetime. SONG Power pushes policy demands; connects with and organizes thousands of LGBTQ Southerners to support progressive policies and candidates; and builds movement infrastructure in Southern states.

Issue Areas: End Mass Criminalization, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice, Reproductive Justice
Constituencies: Arab / Middle Eastern, Asian American / Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, Latinx, Muslim, Native American / Indigenous, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c4, PAC
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Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI)

The origins of The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) began both as a response to the murders of Black trans women and women of color and their exclusion from social justice issues, namely racial, gender, and reproductive justice, as well as gun violence. Today, MPJI's organizing includes: advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership, and promoting collective power. MPJI is reclaiming Marsha P. Johnson and their relationship as Black trans people to her life and legacy.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+, Racial Justice
Constituencies: BIPOC (Black / Indigenous / People of Color), Black, LGBTQ+, Women
Group Type: 501c3
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Equality Florida Action, Inc

Equality Florida is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community. Through education, grassroots organizing, coalition building, and lobbying, Equality Florida is committed to changing Florida so that no one suffers harassment or discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Their field team uses cutting edge technologies, state of the art voter contact techniques and data driven best practices to communicate with their growing voter file. Thirteen years of elections has built voter education and turnout programs that have been recognized by some of the best strategists in Florida – and have a record of success.

Issue Areas: Economic Justice, Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights
Constituencies: BIPOC (Black / Indigenous / People of Color), Black, Faith-Based, Immigrant, Latinx, LGBTQ+, White Working Class, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c4, 501c3, PAC
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QLatinx was founded in the wake of the Pulse nightclub shooting to bring together the LGBTQ+ Latinx community directly impacted by the tragedy to build a supportive infrastructure, address inequity, and promote inclusionary practices for local leadership and agencies. They work primarily in Orange County and are looking to build upon past work to foster relationships between the LGBTQ+ Latinx communities, promote healing, and build coalitions.

Issue Areas: Immigrant Rights, LGBTQ+, Racial Justice
Constituencies: Latinx, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
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New Voices for Reproductive Justice - Pittsburgh

New Voices for Reproductive Justice is dedicated to the health and well-being of Black women, femmes, girls and gender-expansive folx and has served over 200,000 people through leadership development, community organizing, policy advocacy and culture change since its founding in 2004. Their Voice Your Vote! Project educates, mobilizes and turns out Black women voters ages 18-49 in Pennsylvania and primarily operates in Greater Philadelphia and Greater Pittsburgh with voter engagement efforts all year long reaching over 20,000 voters each year. New Voices is committed to electoral justice and increasing the voting power of Black women voters who are not likely and less likely to vote in each election.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+, Reproductive Justice
Constituencies: Black, Women, Youth and Students
Group Type: 501c3
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Fair Wisconsin

Fair Wisconsin Inc. works to build a fair, safe, and inclusive Wisconsin for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people by advancing, achieving, and protecting LGBT civil rights through lobbying, legislative advocacy, grassroots organizing, coalition building and electoral involvement.

Issue Areas: LGBTQ+
Group Type: 501c3, 501c4, PAC
LGBTQ+ Voter Fund
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