All PostsStories from the States
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May 10, 2024
Stories from the states: The power of early money
Thanks to early money, MVP partners are engaging voters on the issues and races that matter most to them. This in turn will help create a reverse-coattails effect in November, in which voter enthusias...
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March 06, 2024
VIDEO: “Wake-Up Wednesday” Briefing (3/6/2024)
On March 5, Trump all but swept the "Super Tuesday" GOP primaries. The next day, we held a roundtable on how we win this fall, featuring Billy Wimsatt, MVP Executive Director, and MVP's four regional ...
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February 28, 2024
Wisconsin: R.I.P. Gerrymandering, Hello Fair Maps!
In Wisconsin, our grassroots partners are celebrating fair maps signed into law this month by Democratic Governor Tony Evers, which will finally represent the people’s votes in the state legislature....
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February 28, 2024
Stories from the states: Victories and momentum in WI, NY, PA, AZ, NC, and NH
Across the country, MVP local partners are organizing for victory up and down the ballot on November 5th — and for lasting policy change before and after....
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February 28, 2024
New York: We won back Santos’ House seat!
On February 13, MVP New York partners Battleground NY and Make the Road New York collectively knocked on over 110,000 doors and helped flip expelled GOP Rep. George Santos' red-trending U.S. House sea...
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January 30, 2024
Stories from the states: Wisconsin win, Florida flip, Santos special, and more
Celebrations and shout-outs to Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia!...

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