All PostsReproductive Justice
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June 27, 2024
VIDEO: Briefing on Reproductive Justice and the 2024 Elections (6/26/2024)
On June 26, we held a briefing to hear MVP partners’ strategies to advance reproductive justice in the context of the 2024 elections. Here's the recording:...
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May 10, 2024
Stories from the states: The power of early money
Thanks to early money, MVP partners are engaging voters on the issues and races that matter most to them. This in turn will help create a reverse-coattails effect in November, in which voter enthusias...
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February 28, 2024
Stories from the states: Victories and momentum in WI, NY, PA, AZ, NC, and NH
Across the country, MVP local partners are organizing for victory up and down the ballot on November 5th — and for lasting policy change before and after....
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January 30, 2024
Stories from the states: Wisconsin win, Florida flip, Santos special, and more
Celebrations and shout-outs to Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia!...
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November 14, 2023
VIDEO: Last week’s election debrief
Several states had pivotal elections on November 7th. We gathered with organizers to hear what happened, what it means — and how we gear up now to win in 2024. Here are their stories....
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August 08, 2023
Ohio: We Won! A Victory for Democracy & Abortion Rights
On August 8, MVP partners led the charge to defeat a ballot measure that would have made it harder to change the state’s constitution — including in November 2023, when Ohioans will vote on codifying ...

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