All PostsCapacity Building
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February 14, 2023
Kerry Washington: “Investing in grassroots leaders is investing in justice & equity”
At MVP, we work with community leaders and wayshowers who care about upholding our democratic values and inspiring young people across the country. Our work isn’t just about elections – we're working with our partners to build power among BIPOC communities who are the most impacted by politics and legislative change. One of our allies in this work is actress Kerry Washington, who we recently connected with for an exclusive interview.
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December 08, 2022
From Surviving to Thriving: How MVP’s Capacity Building Team is Helping Organizers Fill in Gaps
One of the building blocks within MVP is our Capacity Building Team. So what is it, and what does this team do exactly? We could give you the textbook definition of capacity building, but that wouldn't do the work justice – and we also don’t want to bore you with all the jargon. So, we’d rather just give you an idea about what the Capacity Building Team actually does behind the scenes. Let's take a look!
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November 10, 2022
How Kerry Washington is Helping ‘Florida Rising’ Tackle Disinformation
With the rise of digital technology and new social media platforms emerging every day, we’re living in an age when information travels fast – and disinformation travels even faster. That's why Florida Rising Together is using innovative storytelling methods to tackle disinformation and to make sure their communities know why voting is so important.