January 30, 2024

Top 2024 Recommendation: Movement Voter Project

The well-respected donor publication Blue Tent just included Movement Voter Project in their list of top-recommended organizations to support in 2024.
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The Movement Voter Project, Movement Voter Fund, and Movement Voter PAC (which we’ll refer to collectively as “MVP”) act as funding conduits for hundreds of progressive organizations all over the country. In recent election cycles, the group has helped move hundreds of millions of dollars from small, medium and large donors to grassroots organizers. It’s one of the progressive movement’s most successful and important funding intermediaries. Donors can use MVP as a pass-through for their giving and/or provide support for its operating costs.

Why This Work is Important

  • Strong voter turnout is key to electoral success. Elections in key states and congressional districts are often decided by just a few percentage points, or even less. Yet many voters, particularly young people and those from communities of color, are never engaged by political campaigns and turn out at low levels. By investing in work to reach these voters, donors can help change the electorate — and America.
  • Year-round grassroots organizing is the most meaningful way to engage voters. Organizers work to build trust with people who might not otherwise participate in politics. This starts with connecting with people at the local level, getting them not only to engage with the issues in their communities, but to believe their participation can actually make a difference. Only then can people be expected not only to vote for progressive candidates, but to convince their friends, family and others in their community to do the same.

Why Donors Should Consider Movement Voter Project

  • Intermediaries make things easier for donors. Even when a donor has a clear idea of the changes they want to see politically, it can be challenging to decide where to give your money, especially if you want to support local grassroots groups. With a network of state advisors across the U.S. and deep knowledge of organizing, MVP does the hard work of vetting organizations to support. It also tracks which groups most need support at any given time, helping ensure that donations are well-targeted — which can be critical as elections get closer.
  • MVP has a strong track record of impact. In the 2020 election cycle, MVP raised some $100 million, more than three times its own goal. It distributed that money to important groups on the ground in swing states, like New Georgia Project, Our Voice Our Vote Arizona and Citizen Action of Wisconsin. MVP also provided training and support to many of its partner organizations, helping them to build bigger and more effective operations. MVP was also a major contributor to groups in the 2022 midterm elections, and worked aggressively to fundraise and distribute money for the 2023 Wisconsin Supreme Court race, which finally broke the court’s conservative majority.
  • MVP isn’t just about elections. While MVP operates a PAC and will be quick to mention its role in recent Democratic electoral wins, the group is a consistent funder of year-round grassroots organizing. This is the work that will really make a difference in building a sustainable progressive movement made up of voters who know that their voice matters. Keeping people engaged in politics and helping them build their own independent power is pivotal to create a true progressive majority.


Many progressives talk about wanting to “build long-term power” or “fund grassroots groups,” but many of the groups building long-term power get next to no media attention and are invisible to donors. MVP’s signature contribution is that it has finally unlocked the riddle of how to give to those obscure grassroots groups. For donors, it’s both a great option to get their own money to the right places, as well as a way to support an organization that is a force multiplier when it reaches other donors.


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