Sarah Chaisson-Warner

Sarah Chaisson-Warner has fifteen years of experience working in organizing, advocacy, and philanthropy.
She began organizing in 2007 when she joined the NH Heart Association as a grassroots organizer on the smoke-free bars and restaurants campaign. Since then, she has served as the Program Director at the Women’s Fund of NH, the Executive Director of NH Citizens Alliance, as a Regional Field Director for US Action, and as the Campaign Director for Family Economic Security at People’s Action, where she led the organization’s campaign in fifteen states to successfully defeat the repeal of the Affordable Care Act by the Trump Administration. She most recently served as the Executive Director of NH Progress Alliance, the state’s progressive donor table, leading efforts to build sustainable, long-term infrastructure for progressive gains in the Granite State.
Sarah loves spending time with her two children and dog. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis and writing. The former founder and Editor-in-Chief of Athena Magazine for Girls, Sarah is now focusing her creative passions on screenwriting.