Pennsylvania Working Families Party

The 2020 election was the first time that Pennsylvania was able to vote early, and record numbers of voters registered and casted their ballots for progressive wins. Pennsylvania Working Families Party used a multilevel strategy to reach residents and increase voter access. WFP set a goal of organizing 1,000 activists in PA to make 1 million voter contact attempts and turn out 100,000 lower-propensity voters — or more than double the margin by which Trump won the state in 2016. AND THEY DID IT.

The staff and volunteer teams of PA WFP engaged their communities to vote by mail, combat disinformation, and built infrastructure to channel into the fights for racial and economic justice beyond Election Day. In the midst of the pandemic, PA WFP trained volunteers in phone banking, text banking, social media, relational organizing, and postcard writing to get out the vote while staying safe.