Climate Vote Fund
Donate nowDonate easily and effectively to local climate and climate justice organizations and campaigns who are fighting for climate justice year-round, and also leading campaigns to get voters out to the polls!
Curated by experts in the field who are personally affected. This fund is curated with help from local and national organizers, with a focus on MVP’s priority states.
Build long-term infrastructure that lasts beyond the next election. We fund organizations and local leaders that are in their communities year-round, not one-off campaigns that come and go each cycle.
All contributions are re-granted to groups. The size and frequency of grants for each group are regularly assessed by MVP’s grant-making team and state advisors based on where additional funding is most needed. For more information or to discuss a customized giving plan, please email
This fund is administered by Movement Voter Project, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. Donations are not tax-deductible.
As a program of LCVEF and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), Chispa Arizona’s mission is to build the power of Latinos and low-income communities of color across the state to achieve climate justice, community health, and environmental protection while insisting on accountability from polluters and decision-makers. Their community organizing and civic engagement efforts invigorate the environmental movement with new leaders, increase voter participation, and hold elected officials accountable in between election days.
PODER (People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources) is a women led, people of color grassroots social justice organization that is long-standing in Austin with a history of voter education. For decades PODER's volunteer have become deputized to register voters and served as student election clerks. Through PODER’s Young Scholars for Justice participants youth were trained to host forums for candidates in local elections. This year it seeks to register and mobilize voters in the Austin precincts of Montopolis, Govalle/Johnston Terrace, and Dove Springs through call, text, social media and mail.
Maine People’s Resource Center (MPRC) was founded in 1984 by leaders of Maine People’s Alliance (MPA), with whom they partner in advancing local, statewide and national campaigns for progressive social change. Over the past nearly-four decades, MPRC has recruited and trained thousands of grassroots leaders, registered tens of thousands of new voters, and educated hundreds of thousands of Mainers about legislative and ballot initiatives and the importance of voting to make their voices heard.

Maine People’s Alliance is a group with over 32,000 members, over 9,000 volunteers and 35+ staff, MPA is transforming Maine through: a grassroots outreach program that makes face-to-face contact with 100,000-150,000 households annually, community organizing with constituencies across lines of class and race and robust communications through, which regularly engages over 100,000 readers online. MPA is working to advance a host of progressive legislative campaigns, and a grassroots campaign to educate Mainers about the voting record of US Senator Collins that will reach over 100,000 Mainers.
New Hampshire Youth Movement (NHYM) is a movement of young people organizing both inside and outside of election cycles to push state leaders to represent their values and to build long term youth power. They operate through regional hubs in towns and campuses around the state, which collaborate with the guiding team to organize strategic actions, hold elected officials accountable, and leverage the youth vote to change what is politically feasible in New Hampshire.
Honor the Earth uses indigenous wisdom, music, art, and the media to raise awareness and support for Indigenous Environmental Issues. Honor The Earth leverages this awareness and support to develop financial and political capital for Indigenous struggles for land and life.
Guided by an ethic of stewardship of farmland, economic justice for family farms, and racially just and healthy rural communities, Land Stewardship Project has won major victories against corporate agribusiness and oil and gas interests. LSPA is organizing its 4,300 member households to build permanent progressive infrastructure in rural Minnesota.
MN 350 Action and its sister organization, MN 350, organized to promote climate justice– an economically and racially just transition to a clean energy economy– through ongoing public education and community organizing throughout Minnesota and the Midwest. While both groups work toward the same vision, MN 350 Action allows for more direct political action through the endorsement of candidates who understand the urgent need for climate action, promotion of policies weaning us off dirty fossil fuels, and by direct lobbying for the rapid transition to renewable energy throughout our state.
Ojibwe's for Responsible Government is a new project of Honor the Earth, a national native organization which creates environmental awareness to support native communities. They develop resources for the preservation of culture, customs and land, providing both organizing and financial support to grassroot organizations. In Minnesota they have held Line 3 at bay for five years, using every regulatory and legal tool available while also supporting water protectors on the ground. Ojibwe’s for Responsible Government is organizing Native voters on the White Earth Reservation to engage in tribal, local and federal elections in Clearwater County.
Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) is a grassroots advocacy non-profit organization that works on health and environmental issues in the state of Texas in the United States. Their mission is to empower Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy,
The People’s Water Board believes that all people have a human right to clean, accessible, and affordable water and sanitation. They are a coalition of three dozen grassroots groups, NGO’s, faith-based, community-based and labor organizations who have come together to fight for the human right to water. In Michigan, water is part of a shared commons that is held in the public trust for the benefit of all people. That means water must not be commodified or privatized for profit; it must be available to all people regardless of income; and it must be protected from pollution. As a coalition, we work with partners and allies to promote awareness of these issues and the interconnectedness of all people and resources. Water is life.
ACE is a nonprofit that provides educational resources on climate science and justice, as well as training for young climate leaders. Since 2008, ACE has reached more than 2,000,000 students nationwide.
Lead Locally mobilizes grassroots power to elect community leaders across the country who understand the scale of the climate crisis and are willing to take a principled stand against the fossil fuel industry.
A civic engagement organization and champion of civil rights building Latino political power and promoting social and economic justice. This election, its focused efforts to register and mobilize new and young voters to the polls in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Texas for congressional district and statewide races including those for governor and attorney general.
The Sunrise Movement is a youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.

Sunrise Movement Education Fund is the 501(c)3 charitable arm of the Sunrise Movement: a movement of young people in the United States uniting to stop the climate crisis and protect our shared home.
The NC Climate Justice Collective is a multi-racial, intergenerational movement ecosystem dedicated to strengthening those communities who are first and worst impacted by climate and environmental harms. They center their work in the leadership of youth, indigenous peoples, people of color, women, and LGBTQI+ people to create strategic alignment: they are bringing an end to fracked gas pipelines, coal ash pollution, biogas from factory farms and biomass from forest destruction. Using popular education and cultural organizing, they address the root causes of climate change and plant the seeds of a life-sustaining, regenerative society.
NAVA organizes Native American electorate to create and implement a civic agenda that will improve the quality of life for Native families in New Mexico. NAVA works on voter education, developing leadership in renewability and sustainability, protecting sacred sites, and ending predatory lending.
This PICO affiliate led the fight for a minimum wage increase in Las Cruces, and had 35,000 live GOTV conversations with new and irregular voters that same year. They are a major organizing force among Latinos / Chicanos in that part of the state.
A grassroots progressive political organization advancing the interests of the working class, middle class, and poor Americans through legislative advocacy, public education, creative media, and community organizing. It endorsed a dozen candidates running for federal and state races in the November elections. Partners at the table include OLE, SWOP, NAVA, CWA, and AFT.
A first-rate youth and student vote group that runs both large-scale voter mobilization and issue campaigns. An Alliance for Youth Action affiliate. New Era Colorado ran a huge 55,000 youth voter registration drive, a voter education program on 7 college campuses and distributed over 300,000 voter guides.
Together Louisiana is a statewide network of more than 250 religious congregations and civic organizations across Louisiana, representing more than 200,000 people. It is one of the largest grassroots organizations in the history of Louisiana. The mission of Together Louisiana is to give faith and community-based organizations an opportunity to develop the leadership capacity of their members and affect change on a larger scale than they could alone. Together Louisiana currently is working on issues that include tax fairness, access to healthcare, flood recovery, access to healthy food, workforce development, criminal justice reform and improving infrastructure and transportation.
Harambee House is a community- based organization that works collectively with organizations, families, and youth in our neighborhoods. They work collectively with the Creator as their guide to help adults and youth find their voice, develop their full potential as leaders, and take collective action as community change agents who operate in excellence and integrity.
Engage Miami believes in speaking youth to power. They were instrumental in the fight to expand early voting sites on college campuses, increasing accessibility for young people. With a bold, creative, impactful, and local culture of civic participation and voter engagement led by and for young people, they have registered thousands of new voters, launched voter education and GOTV campaigns, and developed comprehensive voter guides for young voters.
Engage Miami Civic Fund includes young people intent on fully engaging their generation (and the next) in local democracy so that they have a future in Miami that is more just, democratic, and sustainable. Engage Miami takes down barriers and builds bridges to equitable civic leadership through voter registration, civic education, and organizing campaigns on the issues that matter to young people in Miami. They're building political power for young people in South Florida so they can make sure the future is better for everyone, and it’s working.
The Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF) is a statewide, grassroots, community-based, non-profit, farmworker membership organization with over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic, and African American members and five offices in the state of Florida with a 35 year history of working for social and environmental justice with farmworkers.The Farmworker Association of Florida’s long-standing mission is to build power among farmworker and rural low-income communities, to respond to and gain control over the social, political, economic, workplace, health, and environmental justice issues that impact their lives.
Florida Student Power has a presence on 25 universities and colleges across the state. Their work focuses on leadership development of Black and Brown youth and supporting local campaigns. They've led voter education work in the past two election cycles on campuses in Miami-Dade, Broward, and 16 other counties. They are working to launch their first voter registration program and are especially focused on organizing young people on issues related to criminal justice.
A grassroots organization based on the Menominee Reservation working to revitalize their communities. It provides a platform for health and wellness by leading by example, celebrating the sacredness of life, and embracing their strengths as a First Nations People. Its leading powerful multigenerational initiatives including the Women's Retreats, Community Art, Energy Sovereignty, and the Protectors of the Menominee River.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper is a science-based advocacy organization working for swimmable, fishable rivers throughout the Milwaukee River Basin.
Milwaukee Water Commons is a cross-city network that fosters connection, collaboration and broad community leadership on behalf of our common waters. They promote stewardship of, equitable access to and shared decision-making for our common waters.
Progress North seeks to incubate, build, and support progressive organizing in northern Wisconsin to build a base of people willing to build collective power and work towards change in their communities. They are fiscally sponosred and supported by Take Action Minnesota, who will support the development and growth of Progress North.
The Wisconsin Farmers Union membership is made up of people from all walks of agriculture and life. From conventional to organic, rural to urban, their members find community in an organization that empowers them to have a voice in the issues that affect them. Wisconsin Farmers Union isn't just for farmers. They also welcome rural residents and consumers who want to participate in our programs and advocate for family farming.
Make The Road Action – Nevada is an advocacy organization, working to advance political and policy change through electoral and grassroots organizing. We are a member led organization, working towards creating positive change in Latinx and working class neighborhoods across Southern Nevada.
This People's Action affiliate is a well-established progressive coalition in Nevada with voter engagement capacity in Las Vegas and Reno. PLAN organizes on almost everything including tax/economy, immigrant rights and racial justice, LGBT and gender justice, and environmental issues.
This People's Action affiliate is a well-established progressive coalition in Nevada with voter engagement capacity in Las Vegas and Reno. PLAN Action partnered with CCC Action to contact over 300,000 voters about the Presidential and US Senate elections, and they register thousands of voters every cycle. They were one of the key grassroots groups conducting accountability work on Senator Dean Heller.