All PostsBat Signals
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September 06, 2024
Bat Signal 4: Democrats’ Underfunded Ground Game
In the final stretch before the election, our most glaring vulnerability on the Democratic side is a deep lack of funding for independently-run, locally-based voter mobilization efforts. We can solve ...
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June 27, 2024
Bat Signal 3: Sliding Doors
This election will likely be won or lost by 10,000 votes – the "margin of effort." Here’s our take on the political situation, the money situation, and how we rebuild our divided team. Our big play: A...
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December 21, 2023
Bat Signal 2: The Biggest Investment Ever
A non-depressing take on the 2024 elections!
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September 06, 2023
Sending Up the Bat Signal
The bad news: We have a five-alarm fire going into 2024. The good news: We can save the country and usher in a new Progressive Era....

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