Target the battlegrounds. Invest in local organizing. Mobilize every last voter.

Help MVP move $100 million to local grassroots groups turning out the hardest-to-reach voters who can tip the scales in the places that matter most.

Progress: $68,756,541Goal: $100M

Partisan funds moved in the 2024 election cycle. Total subject to review.

A map of the United States. States are colored based on priority: orange for "big 9 battlegrounds", blue for "next priority", and light blue for "house & long game".

See the plan in our 2-minute video:

Want to beat MAGA and Project 2025 in November? Help fund the local organizing groups who can turn out the exact voters we need to win.

The Goal:
A Blue Wave from the Bottom Up

A few voters in a handful of states will swing the 2024 elections up and down the ballot. MVP is investing in the local groups best positioned to mobilize these voters in every battleground state and district.

Objective #1

Win the Presidency.

Mobilize youth, voters of color, immigrant voters, LGBTQ+ voters, and other pivotal constituencies to carry the Harris-Walz ticket over the finish line.

Objective #2

Win the House & Senate.

If we save the Senate and take back the House, we will set the stage for passing the most progressive policy agenda in decades.

Objective #3

Win State Power.

Lasting power starts in the states. In 2024 we can end veto-proof GOP supermajorities and win governorships, state chambers, down-ballot races, and crucial ballot campaigns for abortion rights and more.

The Battlegrounds: Where We Need to Win

MVP maximizes donors' impact by investing in local organizing where it matters most, using in-depth political analysis, aggregated polling, and on-the-ground insight.

Presidential Strategy

In each Presidential battleground, we have a comprehensive strategy to drive turnout, win in 2024, and build power for 2025 and beyond.

Congressional Strategy

We are targeting every key race to save the Senate and flip the House.

Detailed Plans promo image

The MVP Model:
Target, Invest, Organize, Win

The MVP model is simple: Target the battlegrounds, invest in local organizing, and mobilize every last potential Democratic voter. A growing body of empirical evidence and research validates our approach. We’ve compiled the best of that research here.


the most pivotal places and races, both now and for the long term.


in the best local voter organizing groups, with a focus on youth, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrant voters.


key voters who have the power to tip the scales.


elections and transformative policy change at every level of government.

Two bar charts, titled "Youth + people of color will decide who wins". The first bar chart shows that 62% of voters aged 18-29 voted for the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020, compared to 58% for ages 30-44, and 48% for ages 45-60 and 65+. The second chart shows that 90% of Black voters voted for Biden-Harris in 2020, along with 63% of Latinx voters, 67% of AAPI voters, and 73% of all voters of color, compared to only 44% of white voters.

Data: catalist.us/wh-national

The Voters: Who We Need to Mobilize

We target young voters, voters of color, women, and other often-marginalized communities, such as immigrant and LGBTQ voters.

We will also target cross-pressured white voters, male voters, union households, rural voters, working-class voters, and persuadable independents of all races.

The Organizers:
Trusted Messengers, Proven Mobilizers

MVP is strategically investing in the hundreds of local and multi-state organizations that have track records of registering, educating, galvanizing, and turning out these voters.

Major multi-state anchor organizations

like People’s Action and the Alliance for Youth Action.

Photo: Alliance for Youth Action

Major state-level groups

such as Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) and Citizen Action Wisconsin.

Photo: Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

 local groups

such as Durham for All (NC) and 1Hood Power (PA).

Photo: 1Hood Power

Micro-local groups

such as the many small town organizations in Georgia’s rural Black Belt supported by Black Voters Matter Fund.

Photo: Black Voters Matter Fund

The Approach: Reach the "Margin of Victory" Voters

TV ads and door-knocks from candidate campaigns help turn out the party faithful — but the harder-to-reach voters will make or break this election.

Local, grassroots organizing groups can turn out these low-propensity (read: high-opportunity) voters more effectively because these groups deploy messengers they trust, speaking from a cultural context they know, with messages they resonate with.

How Local Groups Get Out the Vote

Five Strategic Lenses:
How We Win Persuadable Voters

The way to reach the voters we need is through warm, relational, steady engagement, with multiple touches over time between now and Election Day. This looks like tens of thousands of organizers, canvassers, volunteers, and local influencers having genuine conversations with tens of millions of voters which incorporate five strategic lenses:

1. Human connection

Local organizers use empirically proven deep canvassing skills, empathic listening, and genuine connection to overcome voter reluctance and to counteract divisive wedge issues.

2. Personal storytelling

Local organizers draw on their own authentic experiences to discuss the salient issues that matter most to voters, especially abortion rights, criminalization, and economic security.

3. Highlighting the threat of Trump II

Many voters have forgotten just how bad the Trump years were. Local organizers are credible messengers to support these voters to come out of their "Trump Amnesia" by pointing to the very real threats posed by Trump, MAGA, and Project 2025.

4. Crediting voters for Democrats’ progress

Elections are about the voters, not the candidates. Local organizers can inform and remind people of Democrats' progress and credit that progress to voters – making them the heroes of the story and increasing their likelihood of voting.

5. Sharing a vision for 2025

Local organizers can credibly paint a picture for voters of what is possible if we elect a governing majority that is ready to expand voting rights, protect abortion rights, invest in climate solutions, support working families, and so much more.

The Field Plan:
Roadmap to Victory

Our 2024 Field Plan is a 12-month campaign with four key phases. In each phase, MVP grantee partners carry out crucial, distinctive work that builds toward the next.

Join the Campaign

Put your money where it will make the most impact, by investing in the local organizing groups that can tip the scales in this election.

A quote by LaTosha Brown

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